Home Trending Posts (ARTICLE) PURPOSEFUL DEATH BY SOLA ISOLA|| @solaisola



Jesus did not die, He was not killed, He simply laid down his life. This he explained in John 10;17-18, that He voluntarily laid down his life so no one can take it from him. But you will be amazed that this same Jesus was arrested, beaten, wounded and nailed to the cross but remember the last thing he said on the cross was that “it is finished” (John 19:30) meaning that our toiling is finshed, sorrow has ended, pain has gone, sin and sorrow has been dealt with.
Now Jesus could not have died becaused He carried eternal life-the God kind of life, and what Jesus came to do on the surface of the earth, He had to lay down his life to achieve it because we needed the blood for our salvation, remission of sins and so that we could have access to the throne of grace by mercy. So then we do not loose grip of the word because the more we loose it, the more it gets away from us.
And thats why we have to be cognisance of the fact that as christians, His blood works in us and we now carry the kind of life that he carries, the quality of life that his in him. John 3:16 “For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Everlasting life which is eternal life, that is the God kind of life and being eternal life does not mean that you grow old, its not in the longevity, it is in the quality, now no matter how long you live it means that you reign eternally with Him in heaven.
Now this is the purpose of the death of Jesus Christ, He gave us the blood and the blood replaced the blood of animals and paid all the debt at once. So when Jesus laid down his life, it was purposeful. In other words, his death was a purposeful death, so if Jesus could not die because he carried eternal life, you cant die because you now carry eternal life. We need to understand that their is purpose in the so called death of Jesus christ and that purpose is the reason for our existence today. I pray we get understanding, for then we can enjoy the quality of life in Christ Jesus. God bless you.
#PurposefulDeath #WhatWeNeed


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