Home Trending Posts (New Music) Enjoy Your Life(EYL) By D’nel Speaks Ft Stanlee|| @Dnel_speaks| @ItsStanlee

(New Music) Enjoy Your Life(EYL) By D’nel Speaks Ft Stanlee|| @Dnel_speaks| @ItsStanlee


#EYL is a revelation I got from the statement of Jesus’ in John 10 verse
10, He said “….I came that they may have and enjoy life
, and have it in
abundance (to the full, till it overflows).”So you see,God wants you to
enjoy the life He has given to you, because that’s the reason Jesus came
in the first place. To give us Life and Life Abundantly.


ABOUT SPEAKING to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
and making melody in your heart to the Lord. – Ephesians 5:19

This is the scriptural backing for Rap music in Christianity and there’s
on rapper who truly understands this. His name is D’nel and he Speaks.

D’nel Speaks, a RapVangelist, i.e. A Rap Evangelist. He released a song
last October titled CHANGE and it’s still banding the airwaves. This
time he’s back with another bound-to-be-a-hit song titled : #EYL


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