Unlike every other year, 2016 appears to be a very different year when we launched in to it. One of the reasons is because it has 366 days which makes it a leap year, not every year comes like that, it happens one four years. Another one might be really pertaining to Nigerians only is that expectations were so high on the part on the part of the Government. People expect miracle to happen and things should turn around from the worse to the better or even the best.
In the beginning of the year as well, people make a lot of resolutions, this are things I will not do again, this is what I won’t do or this I need to do. I want to ask us today that what major thing have you achieved this year? What goal did you set for yourself this year? Have you been able to keep to your resolutions? Evaluate yourself. Have you really achieved anything worth celebration? If you have not, can you give a reasonable excuse? Remember we have said before that there are no excuses because the ex in front of the cuse makes it invaluable.
You have no right to blame anybody or anything for your situation because if on the other way round you have achieved your desire that general situation will still be there because you are not the only one affected it is general but yet some people still succeed with that. We still have another six month to go in 2016 and it is very possible for you to make it. So today i want you to sit down and set goals for the rest of the year and draw out a plan on how you want to achieve it. This means I want us to go above making resolution to goal setting, you know why? If you observe any gadget that has higher resolution always have the capability of accommodating a lower resolution then you could choose, but for goal setting, you a high standard for yourself.
While setting goals there are some key things you need to know which they call the ABCD of goal.
A stands for Achievable, that goal you are setting must be realistic, it should something you can achieve.
B stands for Believable, the goal must be believable, it must be goals that makes blood run through your vein and not goals that will overwhelm you.
C stands for concrete, the goals must be concrete, they must be reasonable and sound goal that will add value to your life.
D stands for deadline. When do you want to achieve the goal. You have to be specific, no need saying i will do it, that what you have been saying all this while, when will you do it.
As you set those goals remember that no matter how good you are on the football pitch, if you cannot score goals, you might not be reckoned with. Goal setting is very important in our life. Do not focus on the past months,they are already gone, focus on the coming ones. You will succeed. #ThinkBig #ActWisely #PutGodFirst #BeTimely #PrioritizeYourNeed #SetGoals #MakePlan #HouseholdOfConscienceAndCommonSense
@sola_isola You can reach the writer on solaisolaa@gmail.com, Whatsapp- 07037439142.
Article) ALREADY GONE!!! BY SOLA ISOLA [ @sola_isola]
Let me start here by saying a Happy new Month, welcome to the month of June. June is the sixth month of the year. Well we could say then that the year 2016 has being divided into two and we have spent 5 months already and we are on the sixth month already