Oyindamola Adejumo-Ayibiowu drops a new worship song on titled “Kind and Faithful God” on February 12th which happens to be her birthday.
“I can’t but be grateful to God who has kept me alive and above the storms of life. He keeps, saving me, healing me, blessing me and answering me. But this song is not only to thank God for what he has done but also for who he is. God is deep and high, merciful and mighty”.
Kind and Faithful God is a simple and solemn worship delivered in a mixture of English and Ibo language to bring a personalized worship to God in the contemporary African way. The song is a track from Oyindamola’s Worship project recorded live at Koga studio, Lagos.
Oyindamola is a daughter to the Nigeria’s foremost comedian Moses Olaiya Adejumo (Baba Sala). She has released several album and she is the composer of the popular song “Olorun Mo hunt i o se”