Home Trending Posts New MUSIC: Ify Nwosu – “You Are My God”

New MUSIC: Ify Nwosu – “You Are My God”


Nigerian renowned worship leader, singer and song writer ‘Ify Nwosu’ drops a brand new spirit-filled single, titled: “You Are My God”. The song ‘You Are My God’ is by all standard next to none, produced by ‘Progenitor Sapele Records Limited’, Port Harcourt Nigeria.



IFEOMA NWOSU is a  Gospel Minister,  a Nigerian based gospel Song Writer and Singer. Ifeoma Ujunwanne Nwosu ( Nee  Agbanusi) a Native of Nnewi in Anambra State is naturally gifted with ministering through songs. Among the numerous note of songs she has released her debut album in 2016 titled “MY WORSHIP TO GOD” and recently released the second album titled “Unlimted Grace” a wave making album.

The current track “YOU’RE MY GOD” in unlimited grace is by all standard next to none, produced by PROGENITOR SAPELE RECORDS LIMITED Porthercourt, Nigeria. Mrs Ify Nwosu is an exceptional vocalist as she is fondly called; and she is usually a cynosure of guests at every music outing. This is by the reason of her “Melodious voice”. A Beloved wife to Prince Nnabike Edwin Nwosu Esq. a Legal Practitioner based in Lagos state Nigeria. Her debut album was launched with pomp and pageantry in 2016.

In the same 2016, she signed a record deal with “MEKDON RECORDS LTD” Lagos Nigeria. And the title was “MY WORSHIP TO GOD”. Ify Nwosu’s reigning and current album “Unlimited Grace” was launched in 2017. A gospel  evangelistic music directed to the winning of souls. This latest album is produced  by PROGENITOR SAPELE RECORDS LIMITED, PORT-HARCOURT, Nigeria. Ifeoma and her beloved husband BARISTER NNABIKE NWOSU are blessed with 5 children.

Sister Ify Nwosu is the fonder of “Heart of Gratitude Foundation” a charitable organization based in Lagos State Nigeria. For programs, live performance and more information about Ify Nwosu Call: 08033723122, 07085632578


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