Home Trending Posts Music : I can feel it By Gifted|| @Giftedug

Music : I can feel it By Gifted|| @Giftedug


Yes! I can feel it. In every area of my life , I see Gods’ word works in
me. This song was birthed out of desperation of God presence from “am
hungry” a track on my first album. Then “Eze Ndi Eze ”  was the
confirmation of his word and now am feeling it because his presence is
all over me.

I can feel it is all about my testimonies of how Gods word works in my
life and I felt it physical, spiritual, emotional and other wise.
I can feel it is a declaration, a prophecy of what God has said in his
Word and if you believe it you will feel it .
God favoured me, anointed me, empowered me, healed me and I feel it.


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