Home Trending Posts New Music: We Worship – McEver

New Music: We Worship – McEver


McEver, a Nigerian based gospel praise singer, unveils his latest music project – We Worship produced by SpKeys for Spella Records.

We Worship, a very groovy song and uptempo, typifies and demonstrates the heart of gratitude we should possess at all times.

According to the praise singer, “God has been very good to us even when we were unfaithful to him. Many times we sin and do not even consider the wrong we have done, notwithstanding HE loves us still and showers us with his love. God deserves all our praise. Hence we worship and adore God”

Speaking about the inspiration behind the song, he quotes Psalm 148:1-14 “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord! For he commanded and they were created.”

God has commanded us to praise and worship him because HE is the almighty.

Be Blessed As You Download And Listen.


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Ben Peletu is one of Nigeria's highly creative youth who combines several qualities such as being an On Air Personality (OAP) ,Blogger, Inspiration Speaker, composer, writer, singer, and director in several Gospel Music capacity. The graduate of Mass Communication drawn inspirations to become a blogger from the works of broadcasting through a popular gospel program he anchors on Air tagged "Sunday Tonic"(No. 1 Sunday Classic Show) where he had interviewed a lot of renowned gospel music ministers such as Evang. Dr. Bola Are, Mike Abdul, Prince Goke Bajowa, Monique, Kenny Kore,Yetunde Are to mention a few. He is the CEO of one of the leading Gospel Music Promotional website In Nigeria, an online gospel radio and webpage dedicated towards promoting Gospel entertainment called Benmagradio.


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