Home Trending Posts Nothing is impossible By Angel Osas || @angelosasmusic

Nothing is impossible By Angel Osas || @angelosasmusic


Angel Osas is a young brazing British-Nigerian talent. She is passionate about music, ministry and public speaking. Her long anticipated debut single titled: “Nothing Is Impossible” has in a short time attracted lots of interest on her various social media platforms.

“Nothing is impossible” is her debut song and she performed it LIVE in London Excel alongside with various other international artistes like Ada and many others.

Angel Osas, simple message is to shift the attention of believers in Christ from waiting on God to fulfill His promises to receiving what has been fulfilled because He has done what He promised to do, our preoccupation right now as believers, is becoming masters at receiving what Grace has already provided and to enjoy FREELY!!!

The single is produced by Dunack Music Production.







God is not a man

That He should lie 2x

He will do what he

Promised to do2×

Nothing Is Impossible

In you 3x Lord

He has done what he promised to do


You know God promised Satan that the seed of the woman he deceived will one day bruise his head. And Jesus came in the likeness of man that He may destroy the works of darkness, through His death, burial and resurrection. And now we have victory in Him, Victory through His blood. We’ve received the Spirit of adoption by which we call Abba father. Glory Halleluyah!

We receive every good

And perfect gifts

In you 2×

We receive….in you Lord

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Ben Peletu is one of Nigeria's highly creative youth who combines several qualities such as being an On Air Personality (OAP) ,Blogger, Inspiration Speaker, composer, writer, singer, and director in several Gospel Music capacity. The graduate of Mass Communication drawn inspirations to become a blogger from the works of broadcasting through a popular gospel program he anchors on Air tagged "Sunday Tonic"(No. 1 Sunday Classic Show) where he had interviewed a lot of renowned gospel music ministers such as Evang. Dr. Bola Are, Mike Abdul, Prince Goke Bajowa, Monique, Kenny Kore,Yetunde Are to mention a few. He is the CEO of one of the leading Gospel Music Promotional website In Nigeria, an online gospel radio and webpage dedicated towards promoting Gospel entertainment called Benmagradio.


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