Mimo Ni is a song that describes the purity of God. How blameless and stainless he is. How beautiful his Throne and Court is to behold… He is holy “Mimo No”
If you’re a Christian and at all biblically literate, you will know that the Bible, without equivocation, claims that God is holy. Isaiah 6:3 provides the most potent declaration. The prophet Isaiah, at the moment of his calling, received of vision of the Lord sitting on his throne with seraphim on either side, and one seraph called to the other seraph and said, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” (ESV)
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Don’t cruise past the repetitive emphasis made in this declaration. It wasn’t enough for the seraph to say, “God is holy.” No, the seraph had to employ the word “holy” three times to capture the depth and breadth of God’s holiness.